Ode to Z

The Z is the angry cousin of the S.

A letter with its sharp edges it represents forthrightness and action.

In my language we reserve it for the end of words like a Blitz!

It jolts forwards at lightning speed, sharp zig zags everywhere!

English is keen to adopt a word like that. Little does it know of all the other great Zett words we have.

How about us? Says Witzen, Schnitzen and Ritzen?

Or us? Said Zuber, Zettel and Zerwürfnis? There are great Z words in my language.

But they don’t come close to the magic of a zealous wizard whizzing at a lizards gizzard in the middle of a blizzard!

The double Z is an unnecessary overemphasis of the already emphasized.

It is a bit like Zangen die zanken or Spitzen die flitzen.

It’s a hissing noise in my language or a solid t and s.

It’s more of an electric vibration in English, it tickles my tongue. zzzzzzzz

How would anyone associate such a letter with sleeping?