Ode to H

The power pose of letters.

Beautiful symmetry and simple symbolism.

H is an introverted family person.

By itself it is remarkably quiet. A mere breath of a letter: H……..Hungry

H doesn’t want much attention.

It loves to support others to realise their aspirations.

Honest, Humble, having heavenly humour. Hohe Häuser haben hängende Häkelhaken.

In my language H’s family mostly consists of C and sometimes S.

Together they bring joy to people listening to German speakers.

Achtung, echte Raucher brauchen rauhe Rachen.

S calms the two of them down a bit.

Schon schauen schöne Schwestern schallenden Schenkeln nach.

In English, H’s family mostly consists of t and g. C and S are still around though.

Here, H softens their harshness.

Through hazy heights, honourable Hans has thoroughly harnessed his coughing hangover.

H is also the letter of laughter.

Ha Ha Ha, Hi Hi Hi or Ho, Ho, Ho.

H, the funny silent achiever that calms his family members and lifts their hereditary pronunciations to heroic heights.

The great peacemaker.